Build Resiliency Thru Mindfulness
Join Lisa Brown, a mindfulness and resiliency instructor, for a family friendly community event that focuses on building and supporting health through learning and practicing new skills.
Build Resiliency Thru Mindfulness is a FREE hour long class that is open to all ages.
Wednesday September 7, 2022
6:00 pm- 7:00 pm
Downtown Deschutes Public Library
Brooks Room
601 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97703
Sign Up Here:
For more information about this event, please email [email protected]
Vigilia con Velas Encendidas
Jueves, Septiembre 8, 2022
7:00 – 8:00 PM
Césped delantero del centro educativo de la escuela Bend-La Pine: 520 NW WALL STREET, BEND.
Ceremonia de encendido de velas para quienes hayan perdido a un ser querido por suicidio. Abierto al público.
*Tenga en cuenta que este evento se cancelará si el AQI es superior a 100 en el momento del evento.
Para solicitar estos materiales en un formato alternativo, po favor llame al (541) 322-5734, o envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected].
Candlelight Vigil
A candle lighting ceremony for anyone who has lost a loved one to suicide.
Open to the public.
Thursday, September 8th, 2022
Bend La-Pine School Education Center Front Lawn:
520 NW Wall Street Bend
*Please note this event will be cancelled if AQI is above 100
For more information about this event, please e-mail [email protected]
Out Of Darkness Walk
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention hosts it’s annual Out of Darkness Walk. This walk is open to the community to support the fight to #stopsuicide.
Saturday September 10
Event starts at 11:00 am
Alpenglow Park
61049 SE 15th St
Bend, Oregon
For more details about this event, e-mail [email protected]
Community QPR
QPR is a 1.5 hour evidence based introduction to suicide prevention training. This training teaches the framework for participants to be able to recognize warning signs, ask directly about suicide, persuade someone to access resources and then refer them on to the appropriate resources.
This training is open for participants aged 18+.
Downtown Deschutes County Public Library
Brooks Room
507 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97703
Sign Up Here:
How to Observe National Suicide Prevention Week:
1) Raise awareness
One of the most helpful and effective ways we can observe Suicide Prevention Week is by raising awareness of it. We need to reduce the stigma around it and raise awareness so that more and more people can reach out for help.
2) Educate Yourself
The best thing we can do is to learn more about it. We need to educate ourselves and facilitate proactive prevention in our communities so that we can shatter the silence around our mental health.
3) Look out for others
Most of the people suffering from poor mental health do not reach out for help for fear of being judged or misunderstood. So we need to look out for others and check for warning signs. We need to help people feel heard and understood.
For Questions about Central Oregon Suicide Prevention Alliance [COSPA] please contact:
Bethany Kuschel
Deschutes County Suicide Prevention Project Coordinator