EN ESPAÑOL La conexión crea comunidades seguras para el suicidio Comprender las señales de advertencia de pensamientos suicidas en adolescentes puede ser crucial para una intervención y apoyo oportunos. Esta página proporciona información y recursos esenciales para...

Suicide Warning Signs and Resources

EN ESPAÑOL Connection Creates Suicide Safe Communities Understanding the warning signs of suicidal thoughts in adolescents can be crucial for timely intervention and support. This page provides essential information and resources to help parents navigate this...

National Suicide Prevention Month

Agenda and Meeting Link September Is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month Sunday, September 1, 2024 marks the start of National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. Deschutes County in collaboration with the Central Oregon Suicide Prevention Alliance [COSPA], are...

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day is an event where the community can come together for hope and healing. This event has speakers, documentary and discussion groups. Due to the content and topic of this event, the recommended participant is any community...

Hope, Help & Heal

Stay Tuned for Details Hope, Help & Heal Virtual Community Event Day(s) : Hour(s) : Minute(s) :...